Latest News & Articles
18 December 2024
As 2024 draws to a close, we thank you, our clients, and wish you a festive holiday period and a very happy New Year. Our office will also be closed from 25 December to 5 January (inclusive), although emails will be monitored and time sensitive matters dealt with. Please take into account the New Zealand time zone if your matter requires attention prior to the holiday period.
Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Holidays!
11 December 2024
Unfortunately, it has become common for IP owners to receive unsolicited and ‘misleading invoices’ for office fees, services rendered or rights publication in various registers. More concerning fraudulent behaviour has come to light which deserves your urgent attention.
The Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Board (TTIPAB) has warned its members of a very concerning scam which has emerged involving the impersonation of registered IP attorneys to defraud IP rights owners. In this case, IP owners are receiving correspondence pressuring them into filing a trade mark via emails fraudulently purporting to be from a real attorney.
9 December 2024
An opposition to the ANASTASIA MIARAY trade mark by the owner of the ANASTASIA BEVERLY HILLS trade mark was unsuccessful. Much of the decision hangs on the scope of the pleadings, and use of the single letter “a” instead of “b” in the notice of opposition.
3 December 2024
The firm’s expertise and success, both collectively and individually, has been acknowledged throughout 2024, most recently with Henry Hughes Law named an Excellence Awardee in the New Zealand Law Awards Intellectual Property Specialist Law firm of the year.
3 December 2024
New Zealand has recently entered into new patent prosecution highway (PPH) agreements with the European Patent Office (EPO) and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) respectively. This allows an applicant to request accelerated patent examination in New Zealand based on allowance of at least one claim in the equivalent European or Chinese application and vice versa.
7 November 2024
In August the New Zealand High Court overturned the Assistant Commissioner’s decision not to revoke the trade mark FEEL ALIVE, emphasising the importance of evidence of genuine use of the trade mark and that the owner controlled and authorised the use of the trade mark. The High Court’s further decision on costs serves as a reminder that a successful appellant may not be awarded costs when the defendant does not participate in the appeal and advises that it will abide the Court’s decision.
24 September 2024
As of October 1, 2024, substantial changes will be implemented regarding the costs awarded in patent, trade mark, and design rights proceedings. These adjustments reflect a significant increase in the amounts that can be claimed as costs following a hearing. With increasing stakes for both winning and losing parties, the dynamics of IP disputes are set to shift, influencing how parties approach their cases.
17 September 2024
The New Zealand High Court has overturned a decision of the Commissioner of Patents not to allow an applicant to correct an omission, made by the applicant’s patent attorney, in not requesting postponement of acceptance of a New Zealand patent application.
4 September 2024
IPAustralia has just completed its four-yearly fee review, with changes to come into effect from 1 October 2024. While the majority of the changes are fairly straightforward and customary, a change to the way excess claim fees for patent applications are charged presents a new consideration for patent applicants and their advisors in Australia.
13 August 2024
In the patent sphere, while the law on inventorship by non-human inventors is now largely settled, the UK High Court recently caused a stir by finding an invention which was heavily reliant on an artificial neural network (ANN), patentable. This note covers the appeal of that decision and its implications.